The smear
test alternative

The comfortable and convenient way to
protect yourself from cervical cancer.

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HPV is common, 8 in 10 people will have it in their lifetime

It usually goes away without causing any problems but it can cause the development of cellular changes which can lead to cervical cancer.

How our
test works


Order your cervical screening test online with Thyia when you are due for a smear test or are concerned about HPV. We recommend once every 1-3 years.


Receive a self-test that you can complete in the comfort of your own home at a time that works for you. Pop your test back in the post.


Our accredited lab will test to see if you have high-risk HPV. We’ll update you and provide you with the information and support you need. We can even inform your GP.

Your cervical screening in your hands

Thyia is a digital clinic that transforms cervical screening into a comfortable and convenient process.

By enabling self-testing, we immediately release cash and staff time for the NHS, promote increased screening uptake, and enhance care quality. Our focus is on making preventative care accessible and affordable, particularly for underserved groups

What makes
Thyia different?



No doctors, nurses, receptionists, or anyone else is needed for the test. Just you!



Our self-test kit is designed to be done on your schedule in the comfort of your own home

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Clinically proven

Our self-test kits are scientifically proven to be just as safe and effective as GP-led smear testing

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We believe in creating a high-quality, beautiful and womxn-driven health care experience

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Thyia is female-founded so we understand the difficulties and complexities of traditional smear tests

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Myth busting

At Thyia we want to tackle the current myths and misnomers around cervical screening and HPV

Anyone with a cervix over 25 should test every 1-3 years

All eligible women aged between 25-64 in England are automatically invited for the cervical cancer screening test. Due to a significant increase in mortality rates over this age, we recommend the test for all women and people with cervixes over 25.

Q: Does this mean I don't have to go to the GP for a smear test?

A: At Thyia, we work alongside the NHS cervical cancer screening programme to offer an alternative to those who do not want to go to a GP for their test, whether due to a busy schedule, embarrassment, access difficulties or other.

Q: I am in a long term partnership/ married - should I still test?

A: HPV can stay dormant in your body without being detected for a very long time. It’s possible you or your partner got the virus many years – even decades ago! Regardless of your relationship status, it’s important to take a test to protect yourself.

Q: What is the difference between a smear test and a HPV test?

A: Traditionally a smear test (or Pap test) was a procedure used to detect abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix. Now it is used to detect the presence of HPV. As 99.8% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV, at Thyia (and the NHS!) we test for HPV..

About us

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Get in touch

If you have any questions, or just fancy a chat, don’t hesitate to get in touch at